Superintendents of potential ESU #3 Consortium member districts receive a copy of these documents to complete and submit indicating the district's intent to participate or the district's intent to forego participation as a member of the ESU #3 Title III Consortium.
Superintendents of potential ESU #3 Consortium member districts receive a copy of these documents to complete and submit indicating the district's intent to participate or the district's intent to forego participation as a member of the ESU #3 Title III Consortium.
In the case of Title III, federal regulations require districts to join a consortium if their Title III Limited English Proficient allocations do not meet the minimum of $10,000. Districts choosing not to participate in Title III are still required by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and Nebraska Rule 15 to provide appropriate services for their LEP and IE students.
In the case of Title III, federal regulations require districts to join a consortium if their Title III Limited English Proficient allocations do not meet the minimum of $10,000. Districts choosing not to participate in Title III are still required by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and Nebraska Rule 15 to provide appropriate services for their LEP and IE students.
ESU #3 Title III Consortium Member Districts:
ESU #3 Title III Consortium Member Districts:
Arlington, Ashland-Greenwood, Bennington, Blair, Conestoga, Douglas County West, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, Louisville, Plattsmouth, Springfield-Platteview, and Weeping Water
Arlington, Ashland-Greenwood, Bennington, Blair, Conestoga, Douglas County West, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, Louisville, Plattsmouth, Springfield-Platteview, and Weeping Water
ESSA Grant Consortium Information
ESSA Grant Consortium Information
The email included below went to the member district's superintendent and the district TItle III contact. Included in the email are links to templates of the documents:
Letter to the Consortium-Member Superintendents
Title III Services Agreement (district-specific)
Intent to Consort (district-specific)
Included here you will find the Grant Consortium Information and Consortium Services Agreement. Click the pop-out arrow in the upper right area to open a document in a new tab.
Included here you will find the Grant Consortium Information and Consortium Services Agreement. Click the pop-out arrow in the upper right area to open a document in a new tab.